DECEMBER 14 ,2006

Recovering from last night's ramen show. as i said last night, i can die now because unworthy i, being a mere male bimbo nude gogo dancer, was abused by the queens of sleeze, The Womentors...carrot dildos, bloody tampons, freezing beer on my bare skin, etc... but all paled into sharp pain when my fellow bimbo dancer Fluff Grrl's bob in his sexual zeal started pushing me in my chair around the space full speed, unknowingly ramming my bum knee into the corner of a p.a. speaker!

but the show must go on! Womentors turned into Cherotic All-Stars for the jam with john the baker and raman's mykee...a jam of hot licks...and linda and erika also did some hot licking!

but i need to nurse my wounds...so here are Da Boyz:

"Before we knew it, we were getting changed and heading out the door to BR, car packed with props! When we got there, John showed us his mouth, and told us about his surgery and how he wouldn't be able to perform that night after all. He was really thankful for the food, and said that he had just been writing about it. Many thanks to Eric and Bad Karma.

We got set up, and watched the Womentors setting up, which was hilarious, especially Bob!
And then you guys were there, and the show was started.

The Womentors were really fun, and Frank was a great bimbo! We had the same reaction when Bob took Frank for a spin! Cringing ... Corey said later that he had imagined that one of the gals would be "abusing" Frank, pushing him in his chair, and would probably have been more cautious in pushing Frank's chair ... and then Bob took the reins! It was a lot of fun, but we both said later that we were expecting them to abuse the bimbos more! We wondered if they were a little skittish about "abusing" Frank ... in any case, it was lots of fun.
And then the interview was totally hilarious! Frank knows just what to say ... "I can die now" "I am not worthy"! So much fun ...

The jam was really neat ... it was neat how the Womentors built a rumbling musical base around Frank, Linda & Erika, and how they kept switching instruments ... and how it seemed to deepen as it went on, and as the players scaled down to a core group on stage .. and how the music seemed to get free-er as it went on ... with the erotic playing a deep focus for everything else ...

It was neat how much the Womentors loved the night, and liked Frank, and how one of the Bimbos had seen Frank way back playing with the Feederz. Roots and connections ... earlier John was telling us that he had been talking with Steve Davis all week, as it turned out they had a mutual friend who was one of John's punk heros. He wanted to express to us/Frank how much he appreciated this series ... even when it was a noise show like November's show, those were the kinds of connections that kept coming out of it. He really appreciated it, and Frank. "

In freedom,
Frank Moore


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